Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Have You Fed The Fish - Preliminary Task

I found the Media preliminary task a joy to make, as my group of Daniel, Danny and Bailey all made a fun and decent film. My role was the main actor where I had to secretly walk to a distinctive room and meet the boss to tell him I ‘fed the fish’ As we made the film by constant takes, we eventually came up with a sequence which we could edit from there on in.

When we got into editing the movie we had to keep cutting and smoothing the video to create a fine clip of film.
I did not really help on the editing side as much as I would liked of, but I wasn’t sure of what to do and was ill for two lessons, therefore next time when my group are making our film, I would like to get involved in the editing side a lot more.

What I enjoyed about the task was at the end, when we watched the clip in `front of the whole class at the end and see them smiling and laughing at our work, showing we have met our target and achieved something. For me i enjoyed every moment making this film and cannot wait to do it again.

Joe Wilson